Living.  Working.  Learning.  Voting.  Organizing. Fighting.

Now you can donate directly to the MCDC through ACTBLUE! See link below and at the bottom of our webpages!

Fall Calendar of Events

Sept 7th Canvassing - Canceled due to weather
                 with the Harris Coordinated Campaign at 10am and
                 1pm. Email to find out
                 how to be a “Kamala Captain”!


Over the summer the DCMC incurred some changes.
As we re-organize and get prepared to send our young ones off to school again, we send our sincerest hopes for a safe and productive school year.


The Democratic Committee of Montour Co wishes everyone a safe and happy 4th of July.

We hope you will join us in our fight to make sure DJT never gets his hands on our sacred constitution and American institutions.
Use the link below to sign up for volunteer and elected opportunities in Danville, PA.



June was an exciting month so far!
We elected new DNC delegates at the State Committee meeting in Allentown, PA (see our SM pages for those results). We held a rally at Memorial Park, Danville where over 100 voters from across the Valley gathered to hear Amanda Waldman, Patty Lawton, Malcolm Kenyatta and MORE, as we raised our voices in support of reproductive freedoms in America! And we still have twelve days to go!!

We have opened a Google Form for any interested persons to sign up for specific roles such as, “Fundraising”, “Voter Outreach”, and more! Use the link below to fill out the form and get started!


At our May Committee meeting, we heard from guest speakers Kay Jones, of the Backyard Democrats, Patty Lawton, candidate for PA Senate, as well as Northumberland Co voter and past PA House of Representatives write-in candidate, Jason Radel.
🌊We learned of some very exciting community events being sponsored by the Backyard Dems (TBA).
🌟We heard from Patty about her campaign against Republican Senator Linda Schlegel-Culver and her historical run against her in 2022!
🗳️We were given insight from Mr. Radel on how to start a write in campaign, and the importance of making sure we have Democrats running for the many GOP held, historically uncontested PA seats.

Our Chair will venture to the Summer State Committee Meeting in June to elect the PA delegates to the Democratic National Committee for this term! Watch for those results and know who is representing you at the DNC!


Join us on April 5th for our Monthly Committee Meeting. Microsoft Teams meeting link will be available on all of our social media pages!


The Montour Co Democratic Committee needs you! As we work hard to get Democrats on the ballot in April, we will also be holding membership and volunteer drives. Follow us on your favorite social media sites to be the first to know when and where we will be.

Join us for a virtual PARTY!

Together we will hear directly from President Biden about the progress we have made under his leadership and his vision for the future.

October-December 2023

The MCDC is working hard to reorganize, recruit and update our calendar! If you’re interested in learning more about becoming a committee member, volunteering, or joining a subcommittee reach out TODAY!


In September, our committee Chair travelled to Valley Forge for the Fall State Committee Meeting. She came home with canvassing materials, yard signs, and more for GOTV in Montour County! Please see our Calendar of events on our SM pages and join us for canvassing in October!


The Montour County Democratic Committee is ramping up our efforts to fill vacant committee seats and grow our rolodex of volunteers! Please reach out to us via email or Facebook if you would like to learn more!


We hope everyone enjoys Summer Break!


In June, the Montour Co Democratic Committee held our summer meeting.

  • County Chair, Amber, attended the State Committee meeting in Pittsburgh, PA, where Dems from across the state elected Peggy Lucas as delegate to the National Democratic Committee and voted to recognize Pride as an official Holiday on the Democratic Calendar.

  • The MCDC will seek to hold a Meet-and-Greet stand at the Delong County Fair at the end of July. Please reach out to any committee member to volunteer or donate materials.

  • WE NEED YOU!!! Beginning in August, we will advertise and hold meetings open to the public as we grow our committee and community involvement! Watch out for our exciting new calendar of events!


In May we put important Democratic candidates on the ballot so that in November we can VOTE in the most important municipal elections of our time!


All hands on deck, as we prepare to elect Trevor Finn, 108th District PA Representative, and a Democrat to the 1st Ward Danville Borough Council!


Congratulations to
of Danville, PA, for his being named as the Democratic Candidate for the House of Representatives 108th district, replacing Rep. Schlegel-Culver!!! It is of the utmost importance that we get Trevor into this seat and it can only be done by getting everyone to VOTE in May!!

Please reach out to any committee member for information of helping our efforts to elect Trevor!


In February we began the work of electing Danville municipal and state-wide Judiciary Candidates. Petitions were circulated, campaigns were hatched, and we are happy to pass along that we have Democrats running for nearly every position available in Montour County! That in itself is a feat, considering there was less than 3 on municipal ballots the past several years!

Thank you all so much for stepping out of your comfort zones and into the arena of public service!


Our friends at the CCDC said it best! Congratulations to Patty’s unprecedented campaign and we look forward to her future endeavors.

February 2023 brings the beginning of the Election season, with petitions available for 3 weeks starting February 14th! In Montour Co we will be electing:

  • District Attorney

  • Commissioners

  • Councilmembers

  • School Board Members

  • MORE!!!

Learn how to run or support those who do today!


In January, we begin the work of electing Patricia Lawton to the PA Senate!

In 2023, we have some of the most important local elections of the cycle!

The work of PROGRESS is never done!



We elected Democrats UP AND DOWN THE PA BALLOT!!
Josh Shapiro: IN!
John Fetterman:

We flipped the PA State House BLUE and elected a Democrat (turned Ind) as the PA Speaker of the House!!


The MCDC saw triumphs and challenges in October!
Our first Get Out The Vote campaign as a committee was a success! We saw 1500 postcards go in the mail and spoke to many in the community through canvassing efforts in Montour and Columbia counties.

Our County Chair made her first trek to the State Committee Meeting in Phila., PA, where members were honored to learn from Democratic speakers including POTUS, Joe Biden, VPOTUS, Kamala Harris, Nat’l Dem Chair, Jamie Harris and our esteemed candidate for PA Senate, John Fetterman!


September has ushered in new faces, fresh ideas and incredible opportunities for the Montour County Democratic Party!

We are happy to announce several new MC Democratic Committee appointments:
Alison Pensyl, 2nd Ward Committeewoman
Julie Mensch, 3rd Ward Committeewoman
Pam Schappert, Committee Treasurer
(as Wendy Smeal has resigned)


Montour County has elected an Executive Committee as of Aug 5th, 2022!

Congratulations to Amber Neidig, Chair; Tom Benfer, Co-Chair; Grace Fitzgerald, Secretary & Social Media Liaison; and Wendy Smeal, Treasurer!!!

Join our e-Newsletter here and never miss a beat!

Exciting events are being added to the Calendar every day!

The Montour Democratic Committee is here to serve YOU!

But we can’t change the world alone!  The committee is always in search of volunteers to staff the Party Headquarters, register voters, work fair and event stands, provide assistance to voters on election day and SO MUCH MORE!!!

Reach out TODAY to get involved! Find us on Social Media below or email us at!

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